All of the world is a stage, and I, a mediocre actress.
Let it control you the way your not able to...
Published on February 7, 2004 By Lisa lee In Blogging
spin the cd and let it spin your mind, and with a puff of smoke the world and all of it's problems are just blurs with dialogue. The tingling sensation in your fingers, and your boyfriend takes your hand, and you both stumble to your feet, and clumsily slow dance to Marilyn's melodies. You feel the bass twist your hips slowly and up your spine, until from head to toe, your totally floating in the sensual moves that you've only seen performed by the cheap chalky makeupped drag queens, dancing in the streets, in all of their misconstrewed beauty.Slowly, you press against him, and he puts his arms around you, and your totally possesed by him; him and marilyn. Then static-x comes on your illegal mixed cd, and it makes it all the better. The rest is a blur, and you dont remember the night before, but you wake up face to face with the guy from the bar on one side of you, and your best friend on the other. Getting up in only someone else's oversized Ozzy t-shirt, you wander the house in search of the kitchen, you sit down, poor the wheaties, and search frantically for the advil...
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