All of the world is a stage, and I, a mediocre actress.
and not care what happens
Published on January 6, 2004 By Lisa lee In Blogging
Ever do that thing where your suppose to fall and let the person behind you catch you? It's suppose to build trust. I did that once, only they didn't catch me, and i cracked my head open on the cement. (okay, a little overdramatized on the cracking it open, but it was still pretty bloody) I hated that person for like a week after that, cus i had to get stitches and everything. He turned out to be my best friend later on. But the funny thing is that he betrayed the whole "trust" thing when he decided that making fun of me with his other little goonies was better than hanging with me. There's that silly irony thing again, giggle. It's pointless to remember those stupid elementry school fights that i used to have, but all the same, there they are, fully memorized right down to the color of her shirt that day, and yet useful information for a history test gets lost somewhere among the cobwebs of "i love lucy" trivia and the other useful information lost throughout the years. Man, i must sound like a real pot head, hu? Funny enough, i don't really smoke pot, but i just have a really bad memory. I don't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning. Like it matters anyways. yea. I pissed off my friend the other day, when she was talking about something serious and i was just being the stupid clown that i always am. At first playing the fool was just my way of dealing with the things that happened in that certain jr high year when the world turned upside down. But now it's more of an auto pilot thing for me. But anyways, she's pissed at me, and it really sucks cus now I'm back to telling my secrets to my dog and my problems to this stupid white sheet of paper that a bunch of middle ager's will scan through on their way to looking for that article about Bush's latest screwups. And then there's that other friend that I had since I was in first grade, but seems to have dumped me for a silly little redhead girl who's 15 and still watches dragon tales and sagua.Heck, even the kreapy little red head is pissed at me. Oh well, high school friendships aren't suppose to last anyways. At least I have Ginger, and of course the memory of a certain tall dark handsome fireman with a cute li'l suthrn accent to keep me company. Oh yeah, and of course, this white sheet of paper. My homework isn't done, (what's new) and my head hurts too much from the same thoughts of that all-too-dreaded question, "what am i gonna do with the rest of my life?" Ick. Well at least I know Il always have a job at Hooter's waiting for me, lol. (don't worry, ain't gonna happen) All I wanna do is sing my mind opening lyrics to the world with the slight chance that someone might realize that high school's a joke, and the world is really just an obscure place of confusion and dissarray. Well, I must go fill out the rest of this bozo essay, till then Your confused victim of circumstance, Alonia Demonia
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