All of the world is a stage, and I, a mediocre actress.
Published on December 2, 2003 By Lisa lee In Blogging
Forever plagued with the disease of the outsiders. The act of being different, of being just what i wanted to be, has come at the great cost of being forever alone. No one here, except for my mom that is, lol. What kind of life is one spent in isolation? I guess it's all for the best, for they always go away sooner or later, and even if their one of those few that stick around, some one will die first. And then ur off to a new life, in all of its glory and torment.
Emotion sucks so much. It bends the way u think to make thought a crazy distorted version of what it once was. Emotion should be considered a mental illness. It acts just like one. I mean, it clouds your judgement, it makes people act like complete idiots, and it even makes people kill themselves. And yet they still encourage emotions. Its rediculous.
My chest hurts. When i get really upset i puke, and i think theres gonna be an upchuck at any time. lol.
Emptyness sucks, as does these stupid emotions, i want to hurt someone, and break down and cry. Cheary me, hu? well i better go before i send my breakfast all over my labtop.
on Feb 25, 2004
"The act of being different, of being just what i wanted to be, has come at the great cost of being forever alone."

I think most of us bloggers can sympathize, therefore, I don't reckon you're alone friend!

on Feb 26, 2004