All of the world is a stage, and I, a mediocre actress.
Published on April 1, 2004 By Lisa lee In Blogging
It's really funny how one simple thing can totally screw your good mood out of existance. I was having a great day so far. I woke up, had Special K, my mom told me that my cousin, Jesse, is going to bring me to Germany for 2 weeks this summer. I'm applying for classes in college (when your in high school, you can get classes for FREE!) I'm applying for psychology, anthropology, and photography. I just got into photography when my mom brought out her old 70's professional camera that she used in her old company's realty job. I talked to Jamie about skateboarding, (I'm kinda getting into that as well) and I was having fun skipping math class because the principle wanted me and my friend to go to this Independant Democracy Summit meeting, but they didn't show up, so while my fellow classmates were pouring over my useless math teacher's inconsistant theories, I was having yogert, strawberries, and water talking with a potential confidant. She's really cool, and we have the same views on alot of things.
Oh, and some girl heard that I played the keyboard and she asked me to be in a band that she's starting, that's pretty exciting. Guys LOVE girls in bands;)

But then it hit. Right after I was garbage-can-on-wheels racing with Jarred, I got into the car, and I heard those words that all slacking students are compelled to cringe at: "Is there something you want to tell me, Lisalee?" I panicked. What did I do that she knew about?? Did she find out that I was smoking pot with my cousin and HIS friends the other night? (not that I did, ;-0)(and even IF i did, I only do it every 6 months, if I do it at all...) Did she read my journal and find out a secret that I can't even disclose in this very blog? or WORSE!!! She saw me kiss that girl by pIzzaLuce and took it the wrong way!!! (I'm not gay or bi, but my mom is a tad homophobic)

So what did I do? I just acted like I was the same little angel that she took home from the hospital and said, "Um, no, is there something that you want me to tell you? What is on your mind oh blissful mother of whom I love?" Batted my mascara-filled eyelashes, and blushed a tad, and then she told me nothing, but placed in my hand a mid-term grade chart. Mine was, um, BAD. After that, I was subjected to about exactly an hour and 12.4 minutes of ranting about how I'm going to end up a bum on the streets.

I honestly had no clue what it was. I didn't think I had bad grades, but then I saw what they were. I guarunteed her that they would all be totally made up by the end of spring break. (which I am 100% dedicated to, I'M SERIOUS!) She was satisfied, and nothing more was said. Colapsing on the bed, I tried to figure out how my grades had gotten so bad. Then I remembered the project that I didn't do, and that's prolly why. Trust me, I am very VERY dedicated to my school work, and I think the reason for this was the fact that I was sick alot the past 2 weeks. The doctors say that there's some wierd thingie wrong with me, so now, yea, don't wanna talk about it,,lol. But yea, OH, and I'm gonna go to the movies with a couple of my friends next saturday, thats good. BUT I WILL get my homework done.

I just wish that they had just mailed the stupid grade sheet tomorrow instead...

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