Why does this supposed heavenly father try to make my life like this? While I sit here, trying to please everybody, especially HIM, he just tries to shove a lightening bolt up my behind. I am SICK of this! I'm starting to doubt the existance of this so called God that everybody keeps raving about. I mean who, immortal or otherwise, could let there be this much corruption and chaos in the world without trying to help? People are starving, being tortured, getting beaten, burned, and otherwise. What does he do about it? He just sits there and basks in the glory as people all over the world worship him. I don't get it. Not just that, but if time doesn't apply to God, then why CAN'T he just keep all these bad things from happening? Why can't he just STOP torture and anguish so that the world would be good? As far as his so-called miracles, if he wastes his time with all of these born-again christians, why doesn't he put his little miracles to better use, such as, oh I don't know, solving world hunger? He hasnt done anything too nice for me. Almost everything I have, I worked for. Heh, wouldn't it be funny if Jesus and Moses were just scitzophrenics or people who just wanted to gain acceptance by making up all these stories? It would be the biggest scam in history, I'd imagine. I just don't get it anymore. I used to love God. I used to love him when I was a worm, buying into what everyone told me, but then something happened. I finally saw my neighbor get beat up by her intoxicated boyfriend. She was an empty shell. She didn't know what to do. I just wondered why God couldn't make her see the way to escape. The way to supposedly be free. I don't know, maybe there is no such thing as freedom. But there is such a thing as misery. Misery could have been prevented from empailing itself onto my neighbour and her children, but no. Instead, some high-class yuppie with no soul saw "the light". He wasn't suffering, he was just fine like that. He didn't have to worry about where to find his next meal. He probably never felt the pain in his whole life that my neighbour's eight year old had felt. Our heavenly father. What a joke.